Welcome to M.A.R.B.

My name is Crystal and I am the addict that will be blogging about recipes I have torn out of Magazines.

Here is the plan. Every Sunday I will choose and make a recipe. I will take photos during the process and then give a critique. I have been accumulating recipes over that past 5 years and it is about time I try them.

I hope you will find this blog informative and entertaining. Thank you!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

French Apple Tart

I chose to do a dessert today. Tis the season for apples.

This recipe was torn out of the Food Network Magazine. My favourite magazine for recipes.

Ingredients for the pastry were easy to assemble. No purchasing required. The 1 1/2 sticks of butter is the same as a 3/4 cup. I cut it up into 12 pieces.

I got to take out my food processor that I have owned for years and have only used three times. I followed the directions on how to make the pastry exactly the way it is written and ended up with this:

The recipe states "knead quickly into a ball". I did not know exactly what that meant so I just brought all of the dough together and tried not to be finicky about the cracks.

While the pastry dough sat in the fridge I assembled the ingredients for the apple portion of the recipe.

A half a stick of butter is the equivalent to a 1/4 cup. I "diced" it up into approximately 24 pieces. I do have rum in my house but not "Calvados" rum so, I used water.

Buy extra apples. I ended up using 5 instead of 4. I did not use the melon ball coring technique they suggested. Instead I quartered the apples and removed the cores with a knife. I wish that apples did not turn brown so fast!

When sprinkling with the sugar, it felt like the sugar never ended. Next time I will try and keep the sugar on the pastry. The next photo is why.

Tip: Stay close by to occasionally spot any air pockets.I almost forgot about that part of the instructions.
Warning: When rotating the pan smoke will exit your oven! So, turn on the exhaust fan or have a book ready to fan the fire alarm off. Also, my oven must be hotter than other ovens. I baked it for 25 minutes before I rotated the pan and then I set the timer for 15 minutes and took it out at about 10 minutes because the edges underneath were very dark. Next time I will start with 15 minutes, rotate the pan and then another 15 minutes.

When it came time to brush the apricot jam onto the apples, it was like deja vu. It never ended. I did not end up using all of it. Probably just over half the amount.

At this point I really wanted a piece. I calculated the Weight Watcher's points and chose to cut it up into 24 pieces.

One piece is 4 points. 

Four very yummy points! I will KEEP this recipe. Varying the fruit is a great alternative or using the recipe for the pastry dough to make turnovers.

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