Welcome to M.A.R.B.

My name is Crystal and I am the addict that will be blogging about recipes I have torn out of Magazines.

Here is the plan. Every Sunday I will choose and make a recipe. I will take photos during the process and then give a critique. I have been accumulating recipes over that past 5 years and it is about time I try them.

I hope you will find this blog informative and entertaining. Thank you!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Basic Pizza Dough & Peanut Butter Pretzel Pops

Yes, I decided to do two recipes again this week. Same reason as last week. If I don't, I fear I will be writing this blog for many years. Which is not a bad thing but I do not know where I will be in a couple years. So, on with the recipes.

The first recipe was torn out of the Food Network Magazine and the second I don't know. It is an ad for a particular brand of pretzels. Which magazine this add was in, I have no idea.

The only ingredient I needed to purchase for the Pizza Dough was the Yeast. This was the second time in my life I have purchased yeast. I bought the individual packaged portions.

I did not buy the "Snyder's" brand of pretzels. I bought No Name. All taste the same to me. I got the candy melts and the lollipop sticks at Bulk Barn.

The Pizza Dough was quite easy to do. I thought about taking a picture of the yeast after it had become foamy but I thought about it as I was pouring it into the well.

I kneaded the dough for about 4 minutes and ended up with with this:

I sliced it in half and placed it in the bowls coated in oil and after an hour and a half it doubled in size.

I tried using a rolling pin to roll it out but after one roll I decided it would be easier to use my fingers to stretch it out to the size of the pan. I added my favourite toppings and into the oven it went.

I baked it at 450 degrees for 18 minutes. It came out beautifully!

I probably could have been more generous with the cheese. The edges looked dry.

Now for the Peanut Butter Pretzel Pops. I mixed  and then froze the peanut butter mixture. Then I started to scoop out the portions for the balls. I made 5 with the bigger scoop and calculated roughly in my head that it would not end up making 20 balls so I switched to the smaller scoop.

I ended up making 29 balls with the smaller scoop.

They went into the freezer for the instructed 15 minutes. Now for the inserting of the lollipop sticks. This is what happened the with the first ball.

In order for this not to happen again, I allowed the balls to thaw slightly and held the ball on each side before inserting the rest of the sticks.

Now for the dipping. There were two casualties. This one ended up in my mouth.

The bowl did not work so I switched to a cup.

You must work fast. If the balls become to soft they will fall off the sticks. Once you get them all done they may look like this.

They then went into the fridge for the chocolate to set. They tasted slightly better after the chocolate set.

I really enjoyed the Pizza Dough. I actually stood and stared at the oven while it cooked. I did it for two reasons to watch the cheese bubble and more importantly to make sure it did not burn. I enjoyed the slight sweetness due to the very small amount of sugar put in the dough. I will need to learn to be more generous with the toppings. I am KEEPing this recipe.

After thinking about the whole process of making the Peanut Butter Pretzel Pops, I would make them again. Other than the lollipop sticks, I usually have all the ingredients on hand and the process was quite simple. These would be great to bring to a party or for a small sweet treat. I will KEEP this recipe.

Weight Watchers followers:
Pizza Dough made two medium sized pizzas, 8 slices each,  4 points / slice (dough only)
Peanut Butter Pretzel Pops = 4 points each

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