Welcome to M.A.R.B.

My name is Crystal and I am the addict that will be blogging about recipes I have torn out of Magazines.

Here is the plan. Every Sunday I will choose and make a recipe. I will take photos during the process and then give a critique. I have been accumulating recipes over that past 5 years and it is about time I try them.

I hope you will find this blog informative and entertaining. Thank you!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pappardelle with Creamy Chicken Sauce

Wishful thinking on my part when I chose to make this recipe. The Perogies were such a hit with my nephew I thought he might like this one too. He quietly told his Dad "I don't really like it". Better luck next time.

This recipe was torn out of the Canadian Living Magazine. Same magazine as last week's recipe.

All the ingredients except for two were relatively easy to assemble.

I looked for Pappardelle at the grocery store. Apparently I did not go to the right one. I could not be bother to check another store so I went with the next best thing Fettuccine. The other ingredient, Coriander, I could not replace and ended up going to Bulk Barn to get it.

Here is the finished product.

I cannot decide if I'm going to toss or keep this recipe. I enjoyed it and so did the majority of the adults at the dinner table. My nephew as I said before did not. I really enjoyed the dill combined with the tangy sour cream. The peas added a sweet element. I am going to KEEP it.

Weight Watcher's Points: Makes 4 large servings and 1 serving is approximately 11 points.

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