Welcome to M.A.R.B.

My name is Crystal and I am the addict that will be blogging about recipes I have torn out of Magazines.

Here is the plan. Every Sunday I will choose and make a recipe. I will take photos during the process and then give a critique. I have been accumulating recipes over that past 5 years and it is about time I try them.

I hope you will find this blog informative and entertaining. Thank you!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Cottage Pie

I can honestly say I have never had Cottage Pie before today. I have had Shepard's Pie which appears to be almost identical. This recipe was torn out of the Real Simple Magazine.

These are the ingredients I used. You may notice that I did not use exactly what the recipe asked for. It is not because I did not want to, it is because I could not find them.

So instead of new potatoes I cut up White Potatoes. I could not find the frozen pearl onions so I minced yellow onions and I actually Googled while in the grocery store what beef chuck was (I am Canadian) and then finally ended up getting Extra Lean Ground Beef.

I followed the directions word for word.

Here is the before,

Approximately ten minutes into the baking process I heard sizzling coming from my oven. It had bubbled over. I quickly put it on a cookie sheet and back into the oven.

Here is the after.

All that is left to do is eat it.

Yummy! This recipe is a KEEP, with a couple modifications. Next time I will add more salt to the filling and cut the butternut squash into smaller pieces.

On a side note: For all you fellow Weight Watcher's Points followers, the whole recipe is approximately 50 points. 

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