Welcome to M.A.R.B.

My name is Crystal and I am the addict that will be blogging about recipes I have torn out of Magazines.

Here is the plan. Every Sunday I will choose and make a recipe. I will take photos during the process and then give a critique. I have been accumulating recipes over that past 5 years and it is about time I try them.

I hope you will find this blog informative and entertaining. Thank you!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Banana-Cream Cheese Breakfast Cakes

Happy New Years!

New Year new post day. For the year of 2013 I will be making the recipes on Sunday and then posting the blog entry on Mondays.

Yesterday, I chose to make a recipe that should have been one that I would be comfortable with but it was not the case.

This recipe was torn out of the Food Network Magazine.

The ingredients were fairly standard. The only thing I had to go out to buy was the brick of Cream cheese.

Here are the ingredients for the filling:

I was surprised that there were only 4 ingredients!

Here are the ingredients for the cakes:

The baking soda and salt is sitting on top of the flour. The first critique I would have to make is that the amounts required for the flour and butter are really precise! There are 4 tbsp in a 1/4 cup. I wonder what would happen if I put 1 3/4 cake flour instead of 1 1/2 and 3 tbsp. For the 2 tbsp of butter I cut a 1/4 cup in half.

For the filling, I'm not sure if it would have been only 3 minutes for the egg whites to stiffen if I had whisked them at the speed of 10 instead of 8 or 9 but by whisking them at 8 it took a lot longer than instructed. It took approximately 8 minutes instead of 3. I would suggest once you have the filling made NOT to put it into an icing bag. I tried and it ended up getting very messy. The filling is not as thick as icing and will pour out of the icing tip. I would suggest putting the filling into a bowl and filling the icing bag when you are ready to fill the cakes.

 The batter was simple to make. I'm not sure if it was to be expected but when I added the mashed banana, the batter looked curdled. After adding the flour it looked fine.

I proceeded to divided the batter among the prepared muffin cups. I make a point of following the recipe exactly the way it is written. Reluctantly I filled the cups up fuller than I would usually fill them.


After filling them to this point I stopped. I had leftover batter.


Then, I added filling. I predicted they would overflow. Again I had leftover filling.

My oven took 28 minutes to bake the cakes.

I used 2 1/2 inch high cupcake paper liners. They are higher than the muffin pan. Perhaps if I had used liners that were not higher than the pan the batter would not have overflowed the way it did.

The cake was very moist and the filling tasted like baked cheesecake. Overall they tasted good.

I seriously considered throwing this recipe out but I am going to give it a 2nd chance. Next time I am going to divide the batter over 18 cups instead of 12 and I will use less filling. So for the time being I am KEEPing this recipe.

Weight Watcher's followers: The entire recipe is 122 points. One muffins is 10 points! That is when you only make 12. They could be less seeing that there was left over filling.

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