Welcome to M.A.R.B.

My name is Crystal and I am the addict that will be blogging about recipes I have torn out of Magazines.

Here is the plan. Every Sunday I will choose and make a recipe. I will take photos during the process and then give a critique. I have been accumulating recipes over that past 5 years and it is about time I try them.

I hope you will find this blog informative and entertaining. Thank you!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Corn Dogs with Macaroni and Cheese

I did two recipes today. Figured I have a lot of recipes to get through so why not try two.

The Corn Dogs recipe was torn out of the Food Network Magazine and the Macaroni and Cheese recipe was torn out of the Women's World Magazine.

The ingredients for the Macaroni and Cheese were very basic and the only thing I had to go out and buy was a package of Elbow Macaroni.

The ingredients for the Corn Dogs were not as basic and required a stop at Bulk Barn for the Mustard Powder and the Corn Meal.

I was expecting to have seven for dinner so I did 1 1/2 times the recipes for the Macaroni and Cheese and the Corn Dogs.

The assembly of the Macaroni and Cheese was simple. Make sure you mix the sauce ingredients well.

The Corn Dogs were a little more time consuming to prepare. There were no issues when whisking the ingredients together. The issue came when I was supposed to pour the batter into a tall glass. The batter was very thick! On to step two. When heating such a large amount of oil it can be very difficult to regulate the temperature. I will admit I do not have a deep-fry thermometer. I used a candy thermometer. That may have been the cause of all the problems to come. I really do not know. I brought the oil up to the requested temperature, I proceeded to dredge the hot dogs in flour and now onto step three. When reading this recipe I envisioned a hot dogs being nicely coated in a yummy cornmeal batter. That was not the case. The batter being as thick as it was did not want to adhere to the hot dog. Frustrating! My husband took over and tried various techniques to get the batter onto the hot dog. I aided in suggesting to add some more milk to the batter. After getting the batter onto the hot dog we placed it into the oil and the batter expanded and started to fry a lot faster then expected. At this point I was ready to just cut the remainder hot dogs up and add them to the macaroni and cheese.

My husband insisted on figuring it out. He did it and this was what we ended up eating tonight for dinner.

The Macaroni and Cheese was simple to make and unfortunately the taste was simple as well. Perhaps it was because the cheese was only on top. The Corn Dogs tasted really good but because of all the issues with the batter and how stressed I got it's not worth the effort.

Both of these recipes will be TOSSed.

Weight Watcher's Points: Corn Dogs, approximately 8 points each and approximately 8 points for 1 1/2 cups for the Macaroni and Cheese.

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